Among the people whom I admire the most are the parents of autistic children. They travel around the world in order to find the best treatment for their children and they spent all their money in order to obtain cure… Among those brave parents is one mother, who is really special. Her son was one of our first patient with autism spectrum disorder and he was the prototype open autistic child when he came in my office with his mother he had scribbled on all walls of my office within seconds before we could stop him he was screaming and running around but there was something else that was very special about him he loved to play with the cubical and he could put it in order within one minute from any given situation He had some more games which you might expect in a circus or magic mystery show He had a total of three treatments when he started to play the piano and go to an ordinary school the family came from Slovenia the father had left the family unable to stand the situation with the boy the mother left alone erased the money for the treatment in the most incredible ways there was a marathon run in Slovenia raising money for the boy there were several TV shows and it looked like the whole of Slovenia supported the boy but then she asked the insurance to come up for the costs of the treatment and they declined the mother went to court and obtain the victory in the first ground and also before the Supreme Court who however referred the trial back to the first court for additional examination if she wins this trial this will be the first case and the first country where the public insurance comes up for stem cell treatment next paragraph Slovenia is in the European Union this would also be a signal for other public insurance and the door to stem cell treatment would open to many more children in need of such a treatment I want to thank his mother for her endless karasch and willingness to give her son a normal life You can see through the sun the trick with the cubical on